(Zavodnje, Šoštanj, 1888 - Šoštanj, 1960)
Ivan Napotnik, a Slovene sculptor, studied sculpture at the School of Arts and Crafts in Ljubljana, drawing at a high school in Ljubljana and sculpture at the Academy in Vienna, where he completed his specialization in 1915. He created mainly in wood, and also in stone, bronze, plaster. At the beginning of his sculpture, he made decorative plastics for architecture and interior decoration, and later he was also involved in architectural, monumental and tomb sculpture. His style was based on Baroque sculpture, which was joined by Art Nouveau features. He focused on the motifs of tanners, miners, farmers, reapers and sowers, and the most numerous statues of Napotnik are female figures (summarized from Wikipedia).
Ivan Napotnik biografija
Ivan Napotnik, slovenski kipar, je študiral kiparstvo na Šoli za umetnosti in obrti v Ljubljani, risanje na gimnaziji v Ljubljani in kiparstvo na Akademiji v Dunaju, kjer je končal svojo specializacijo leta 1915. Ustvarjal je predvsem v lesu, pa tudi v kamnu, bronu in odlivkih. Na začetku svoje kiparstva je izdeloval dekorativne plastike za arhitekturo in notranjo dekoracijo, kasneje pa se je ukvarjal tudi z arhitekturnim, monumentalnim in nagrobnim kiparstvom. Njegov slog je temeljil na baročnem kiparstvu, kateremu je dodal elemente secesije. Osredotočil se je na motive usnjarjev, rudarjev, kmetov, žanjcev in sejalcev, najštevilnejše pa so njegove kipe ženskih figur (povzeto po Wikipediji).
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